Kif u Fejn Tixtri ReddCoin ( RDD ) – Gwida Dettaljata

X'inhu RDD ?

What Is Reddcoin (RDD)?

Reddcoin (RDD) is a digital currency designed for tipping and sending money for social payments.

It is the cryptocurrency that powers the Redd ecosystem, a social tipping platform and volunteer-run organization that lets you support, donate and help fund various causes around the world. It is one of the oldest projects in the cryptocurrency space and was launched back in 2014 — during what many consider to be the year of peak innovation for blockchain technologies.

The cryptocurrency is designed to be a simple to use mode of payment that can be transferred at low cost on the Redd Network. It can also be used as a means of payment on most social network platforms, allowing users to easily transact with their friends and followers, much in the same way that Snapcash does for Snapchat users, and Facebook Cash does for Facebook users.

The Reddcoin token (RDD) can be earned through a unique algorithm known as proof-of-stake-velocity (PoSV), which sees RDD holders stake their assets on the Reddcoin wallet to earn rewards.

Who Are the Founders of Reddcoin?

Reddcoin was originally developed by Jonathan Patenaude, a software developer who crafted the core code for the platform. He joined Larry Ren in creating the first legal entity surrounding the Reddcoin platform in 2015 — a now-dissolved UK-based company known as Reddcoin Ltd.

Both Patenaude and Ren resigned from their posts at Reddcoin in 2015, and the remaining team members began working with the community to continue the development of the project.

As of November 2020, the core members of the Reddcoin project are Jay Laurence, John Nash, David Faust and Michael Kirlew. Jay Laurence, an experienced IT professional and consultant and early cryptocurrency adopter is listed as the project leader, whereas John "CryptoGnasher" Nash, a heavily experienced project manager and IT expert, is its solutions architect. Meanwhile, David Faust and Michael Kirlew handle operations and branding/development at Redd respectively.

Beyond this, the team consists entirely of volunteers, ranging from developers to designers, social media mavericks, and more. The Reddcoin company currently lists 20 employees on LinkedIn, all volunteers.

What Makes Reddcoin Unique?

Reddcoin is designed primarily for tipping, sharing and donating to others around the world. To help facilitate this, it has eliminated several of the major barriers that have hindered the adoption of some other cryptocurrencies — such as slow transactions and high transaction fees.

With Reddcoin, transactions are confirmed in just seconds. Since it is a Litecoin fork, it benefits from extremely short block times, with a new block created every minute. As a result, transactions rarely take more than a minute to finalize. On top of this, transactions are free. This means no gas wars or transaction fee hikes when the network load increases, making Reddcoin ideal for micropayments and donations.

From a consumer’s perspective, Reddcoin represents an opportunity to easily monetize content and seek funding for charitable causes via a wide variety of social media platforms. As a currency backed by a social cause, Reddcoin provides content creators and activists with a platform they can use to advocate for social campaigns while being rewarded for their time and energy.

RDD holders, on the other hand, can stake their tokens for a dynamic return, currently at approx 10% annually, to help secure the network and earn a yield while doing so.

Related Pages:

Learn more about ReddCoin's technology and staking at Read the ReddPaper at: Read the FAQ for the ReddPaper at:

Learn more about Redd's social movement and altruistic efforts at Read the ReddBook, the summary document of the Project Redd social movement here:

Read articles from the team at and

Find out the difference between proof-of-work (POW) and proof-of-stake (POS) at CoinMarketCap Alexandria.

How Many Reddcoin (RDD) Coins Are There in Circulation?

As of August 2021, there are just over 30.8 billion RDD in circulation, representing 100% of the total supply at the time. Due to the rewards distributed via the proof-of-sake-velocity (PoSVv2) consensus mechanism, the total supply of Reddcoin increases by around 5% per year.

The platform rolled out an updated version of its POSV algorithm in October 2019 as part of a major platform upgrade. This update aimed to "provide enhanced network growth stability, strengthen staking incentives, and provide funding support for development teams."

The update introduced a developer funding reward, which sees 8% of newly minted tokens derived from the inflation rewards distributed to the developer wallet — to ensure the continued development of the project.

The rest of the rewards are distributed to stakers. As of December 2020, a total of 15.46% of RDD tokens were staked, representing an expected yield of 32.3% — though these figures are likely to change as the staked supply varies with time.

How Is the Reddcoin (RDD) Network Secured?

As with most major cryptocurrencies, Reddcoin is built on a decentralized network, and information is stored on a peer-to-peer (P2P) network. As a result, there is no middleman handling user data, making Reddcoin a privacy-preserving alternative to fiat.

The network is built on top of a novel consensus algorithm known as proof-of-stake-velocity (PoSV), which is a modified version of proof-of-stake (POS). This intends to boost network activity by introducing additional rewards for users that stake their coins, sign blocks and interact with their assets on a regular basis.

The process of staking helps keep the Reddcoin network secured against attacks by disincentivizing dishonest behavior while incentivizing participation.

Where Can You Buy Reddcoin (RDD)?

Reddcoin is currently available to trade on just a handful of exchange platforms, the most prominent of which is Bittrex. As of November 2020, Reddcoin can be traded against Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), and USD Coin (USDC), or again fiat currencies like the Euro (EUR) and US dollar (USD).

To learn more about buying ReddCoin, see our current list of exchanges here: or on our Market tab above here on CoinmarketCap

RDD kien negozjabbli għall-ewwel darba fl 10th Feb, 2014 . Għandu provvista totali ta ' 30,397,274,955 . Sa issa RDD għandu kapitalizzazzjoni tas-suq ta' USD ${{marketCap} }.Il-prezz attwali ta ' RDD huwa ${{price} } u huwa kklassifikat {{rank}} fuq Coinmarketcapu reċentement żdiedet 48.02 fil-mija fil-ħin tal-kitba.

RDD ġie elenkat f'numru ta 'skambji kripto, b'differenza kripto-muniti ewlenin oħra, ma jistax jinxtara direttament bi flus fiats. Madankollu, Xorta tista 'faċilment tixtri din il-munita billi l-ewwel tixtri Bitcoin minn kwalunkwe skambji fiat-to-crypto u mbagħad tittrasferixxi għall-iskambju li joffri li jinnegozja din il-munita, f'dan l-artikolu gwida aħna ser nimxu miegħek fid-dettall il-passi biex tixtri RDD .

Pass 1: Irreġistra fuq Fiat-to-Crypto Exchange

L-ewwel ser ikollok tixtri waħda mill-kripto-muniti ewlenin, f'dan il-każ, Bitcoin ( BTC ). F'dan l-artikolu aħna ser nimxu miegħek fid-dettalji tnejn mill-iskambji fiat-to-crypto l-aktar użati komunement, u Coinbase. Iż-żewġ skambji għandhom il-politiki tal-miżati tagħhom stess u karatteristiċi oħra li se ngħaddu minnhom fid-dettall. Huwa rrakkomandat li tipprova t-tnejn li huma u ssib dik li jaqbellek l-aħjar.


Adattat għall-kummerċjanti tal-Istati Uniti

Agħżel Fiat-to-Crypto Exchange għad-dettalji:


Billi hija waħda mill-iskambji fiat-to-crypto l-aktar popolari u konvenjenti, UpHold għandha l-vantaġġi li ġejjin:

  • Faċli biex tixtri u tinnegozja fost diversi assi, aktar minn 50 u għadhom qed jiżdiedu
  • Bħalissa aktar minn 7M utenti madwar id-dinja
  • Tista' tapplika għal UpHold Debit card fejn tista' tonfoq l-assi kripto fuq il-kont tiegħek bħal karta ta' debitu normali! (L-Istati Uniti biss iżda se tkun fir-Renju Unit aktar tard)
  • Faċli biex tużah app mobbli fejn tista 'tirtira fond għal bank jew kwalunkwe skambju ieħor ta' altcoin faċilment
  • Ebda miżati moħbija u kwalunkwe ħlas ieħor tal-kont
  • Hemm ordnijiet ta 'xiri/bejgħ limitati għal utenti aktar avvanzati
  • Tista 'faċilment twaqqaf depożiti rikorrenti għal Dollar Cost Averging (DCA) jekk għandek il-ħsieb li żżomm cryptos fit-tul.
  • USDT, li hija waħda mill-istablecoins l-aktar popolari sostnuti minn USD (bażikament kripto li huwa sostnut minn flus fiat reali sabiex ikunu inqas volatili u jistgħu jiġu ttrattati kważi bħala l-flus fiat li huma marbuta magħhom) huwa disponibbli, dan huwa aktar konvenjenti jekk l-altcoin li għandek il-ħsieb li tixtri għandha biss pari ta 'kummerċ USDT fuq l-iskambju altcoin sabiex ma jkollokx għalfejn tgħaddi minn konverżjoni ta' munita oħra waqt li tixtri l-altcoin.
Uri Dettalji Passi ▾

Ittajpja l-email tiegħek u kklikkja 'Li jmiss'. Kun żgur li tipprovdi l-isem reali tiegħek peress li UpHold ser ikollu bżonnu għall-verifika tal-kont u tal-identità. Agħżel password b'saħħitha sabiex il-kont tiegħek ma jkunx vulnerabbli għall-hackers.


Inti ser tirċievi email ta' konferma. Iftaħ u kklikkja fuq il-link ġewwa. Imbagħad tkun mitlub li tipprovdi numru tal-mowbajl validu biex twaqqaf awtentikazzjoni b'żewġ fatturi (2FA), huwa saff żejjed għas-sigurtà tal-kont tiegħek u huwa rakkomandat ħafna li żżomm din il-karatteristika mixgħula.


Segwi l-pass li jmiss biex tlesti l-verifika tal-identità tiegħek. Dawn il-passi huma xi ftit kbar speċjalment meta tkun qed tistenna li tixtri assi iżda bħal kull istituzzjoni finanzjarja oħra, UpHold hija regolata f'ħafna pajjiżi bħall-Istati Uniti, ir-Renju Unit u l-UE. Tista 'tieħu dan bħala kompromess għall-użu ta' pjattaforma ta 'fiduċja biex tagħmel l-ewwel xiri kripto tiegħek. Aħbar tajba hija li l-proċess kollu hekk imsejjaħ Know-Your-Customers (KYC) issa huwa kompletament awtomatizzat u m'għandux jieħu aktar minn 15-il minuta biex jintemm.

Pass 2: Ixtri BTC bi flus fiat


Ladarba tkun lestejt il-proċess KYC. Inti tintalab iżżid metodu ta' ħlas. Hawnhekk tista' jew tagħżel li tipprovdi karta ta' kreditu/debitu jew tuża trasferiment bankarju. Tista' tiġi ċċarġjat miżati ogħla skont il-kumpanija tal-karta ta' kreditu tiegħek u l-prezzijiet volatili meta tuża l-kards iżda int se tagħmel ukoll xirja immedjata. Filwaqt li trasferiment bankarju se jkun irħas iżda aktar bil-mod, skont il-pajjiż tar-residenza tiegħek, xi pajjiżi se joffru depożitu ta’ flus kontanti immedjat bi tariffi baxxi.


Issa inti kollha stabbiliti, fuq l-iskrin 'Transact' taħt il-qasam 'From', agħżel il-munita fiat tiegħek, u mbagħad fuq il-qasam 'To' agħżel Bitcoin , ikklikkja preview biex tirrevedi t-tranżazzjoni tiegħek u l-ikklikkja tikkonferma jekk kollox jidher tajjeb. .. u prosit! Għadek kif għamilt l-ewwel xiri kripto tiegħek.

Pass 3: Ittrasferixxi BTC għal Altcoin Exchange

Imma għadna ma tlestiex, peress li RDD huwa altcoin għandna bżonn nittrasferixxu BTC tagħna għal skambju li RDD jista 'jiġi nnegozjat. Hawn taħt hawn lista ta 'skambji li toffri li tinnegozja RDD f'diversi pari tas-suq, tmur għall-websajts tagħhom u tirreġistra għal kont.

Ladarba tispiċċa mbagħad ikollok bżonn tiddepożita BTC fl-iskambju minn Żomm . Wara li d-depożitu jiġi kkonfermat, tista 'mbagħad tixtri RDD mill-opinjoni tal-iskambju.

Market Pair

L-aħħar Pass: Aħżen RDD b'mod sigur f'kartieri tal-ħardwer

Ledger Nano S

Ledger Nano S

  • Easy to set up and friendly interface
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  • Lightweight and Portable
  • Support most blockchains and wide range of (ERC-20/BEP-20) tokens
  • Multiple languages available
  • Built by a well-established company found in 2014 with great chip security
  • Affordable price
Ledger Nano X

Ledger Nano X

  • More powerful secure element chip (ST33) than Ledger Nano S
  • Can be used on desktop or laptop, or even smartphone and tablet through Bluetooth integration
  • Lightweight and Portable with built-in rechargeable battery
  • Larger screen
  • More storage space than Ledger Nano S
  • Support most blockchains and wide range of (ERC-20/BEP-20) tokens
  • Multiple languages available
  • Built by a well-established company found in 2014 with great chip security
  • Affordable price

Jekk inti qed tippjana li żżomm ("hodl" kif xi wħud jistgħu jgħidu, bażikament mispelt ħażin "hold" li jsiru popolari maż-żmien) tiegħek RDD għal żmien twil konsiderevoli, inti tista 'tixtieq tesplora modi kif iżżommha sigura, għalkemm Binance huwa wieħed minn l-iskambju tal-kripto-munita l-aktar sigur kien hemm inċidenti ta 'hacking u l-fondi ntilfu. Minħabba n-natura stess tal-kartieri fl-iskambji, dawn se jkunu dejjem onlajn ("Hot Wallets" kif nsejħulhom), għalhekk jesponu ċerti aspetti ta 'vulnerabbiltajiet. L-aktar mod sikur ta’ kif taħżen il-muniti tiegħek sal-lum huwa dejjem li tpoġġihom f’tip ta’ “Kartieri kesħin”, fejn il-kartiera jkollha aċċess biss għall-blockchain (jew sempliċiment “tmur online”) meta tibgħat fondi, u b’hekk tnaqqas iċ-ċansijiet ta’ inċidenti ta' hacking. Kartiera tal-karti hija tip ta 'kartiera kiesħa b'xejn, hija bażikament par iġġenerat offline ta' indirizz pubbliku u privat u jkollok miktub x'imkien, u żommha sigura. Madankollu, mhuwiex durabbli u huwa suxxettibbli għal diversi perikli.

Kartiera tal-ħardwer hawnhekk hija definittivament għażla aħjar ta 'kartieri kesħin. Normalment huma apparati li jaħdmu bil-USB li jaħżnu l-informazzjoni ewlenija tal-kartiera tiegħek b'mod aktar fit-tul. Huma mibnija b'sigurtà fil-livell militari u l-firmware tagħhom jinżamm kontinwament mill-manifatturi tagħhom u għalhekk estremament siguri. Ledger Nano S u Ledger Nano X u huma l-aktar għażliet popolari f'din il-kategorija, dawn il-kartieri jiswew madwar $50 sa $100 skont il-karatteristiċi li qed joffru. Jekk qed iżżomm l-assi tiegħek dawn il-kartieri huma investiment tajjeb fl-opinjoni tagħna.

Mistoqsijiet Frekwenti

Nista' nixtri RDD bi flus kontanti?

M'hemm l-ebda mod dirett biex tixtri RDD bi flus kontanti. Madankollu, tista 'tuża swieq bħal LocalBitcoins għall-ewwel tixtri BTC , u spiċċa l-bqija tal-passi billi tittrasferixxi BTC tiegħek għall-iskambji AltCoin rispettivi.

LocalBitcoins huwa skambju Bitcoin peer-to-peer. Huwa suq fejn l-utenti jistgħu jixtru u jbigħu Bitcoins lil xulxin. L-utenti, imsejħa negozjanti, joħolqu reklami bil-prezz u l-metodu tal-ħlas li jridu joffru. Tista' tagħżel li tixtri mingħand bejjiegħa minn ċertu reġjun fil-qrib fuq il-pjattaforma. huwa wara kollox post tajjeb fejn tmur tixtri Bitcoins meta ma tkunx tista' ssib il-metodi ta' ħlas mixtieqa tiegħek imkien ieħor. Iżda l-prezzijiet huma ġeneralment ogħla fuq din il-pjattaforma u trid tagħmel id-diliġenza dovuta tiegħek biex tevita li tiscammed.

Hemm xi modi rapidi biex tixtri RDD fl-Ewropa?

Iva, fil-fatt, l-Ewropa hija waħda mill-aktar postijiet faċli biex tixtri cryptos b'mod ġenerali. Hemm anke banek onlajn li tista' sempliċiment tiftaħ kont u tittrasferixxi flus għal skambji bħal Coinbase u Uphold.

Hemm xi pjattaformi alternattivi biex jixtru RDD jew Bitcoin b'karti ta 'kreditu?

Iva. hija wkoll pjattaforma faċli ħafna biex tintuża biex tixtri Bitcoin b'karti ta 'kreditu. Huwa skambju ta 'kripto-munita istantaneju li jippermettilek li tiskambja kripto malajr u tixtriha b'karta tal-bank. L-interface tal-utent tiegħu hija faċli ħafna biex tużah u l-passi tax-xiri huma pjuttost li jispjegaw lilhom infushom.

Aqra aktar dwar il-prinċipji fundamentali ta ' ReddCoin u l-prezz kurrenti hawn.

L-aħħar Aħbarijiet għal RDD

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